Club Profile

Melksham Town Ladies

Match Record

Complete record for all Swindon Town Women senior matches against Melksham Town Ladies:

Competition P W D L Penalties F A Win % SR%
Won Lost
All matches 2 2 0 0 0 0 28 0 100.00% 100.00%
County & District Cup Competitions 2 2 0 0 0 0 28 0 100.00% 100.00%

Other matches between sides representing Swindon Town Women and Melksham Town Ladies:

Biggest Victories and Defeats

Biggest victories in each competition:

No defeats in any competition.

All Matches


Most appearances for Swindon Town Women against Melksham Town Ladies:

Most goals scored for Swindon Town Women against Melksham Town Ladies:


Transfers between Swindon Town Women and Melksham Town Ladies:

Date Player In/Out Transfer Detail
1999 Hayley SPRULES IN
22 DEC 2019 Shannon REDHOUSE IN
Nov 2022 - 2022/3 Emison EVANS IN dual registration
28 JUL 2023 - 19 FEB 2024 Emison EVANS IN dual registration